我爱读报- 看新闻.学语文 Junior 4
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出版:Marshall Cavendish Education Pte Ltd
读新闻,长智慧 听新闻,学词汇
乐学善用,掌握语文4大技能—— 听 说 读 写
Read to Know • Read to Learn • Read to Understand
The newspaper is a wonderful source of our daily reading and learning. While the internet and social media can sometimes confuse us with fake news and misinformation, the newspaper reports truthfully. As such, reading and learning from the newspaper ensures a multitude of benefits, such as a clear understanding of what’s going on around us, enriches our existing knowledge of matters, and most of all, helps to improve our language-skills.
iRead News • Junior is a carefully curated series of newspaper articles sourced from Lianhe Zaobao, Lianhe Wanbao and Shin Ming Daily News. Each book contains 45 selected articles that are suitable for primary students’ daily reading, and each article is paired with vocabulary learning and questions to stimulate deeper understanding of the topic."