我的狮城建筑老友 + 一同欣赏教堂建筑(2书优惠配套)

我的狮城建筑老友 + 一同欣赏教堂建筑(2书优惠配套)

玲子传媒 Lingzi Media

Regular price $44.00 $38.00 Sale



我的狮城建筑老友~ ISBN:978-981-4992-85-5

一同欣赏教堂建筑~ ISBN:978-981-4992-26-8



 本书收集了 37 篇精选自作者发表于《源·建筑情缘》的专栏文章,并根据所书写建筑的位置分三卷:《卷一·牛车水》《卷二·市区》《卷三·市郊》。此外,还加入引介篇《狮城建筑概述》及《继续探索》附录,使读者们尤其是年轻一代都能轻松愉快地认识、欣赏、探索新加坡建筑。 

To Singapore Architecture with Love

This book showcases the uniqueness and beauty of Singapore architecture through words and photographs.  Besides explaining the history and architectural styles of various landmarks in the Lion City, the author also narrates his special relationship with these buildings, which he fondly regards as his old pals.  The heart-warming stories of a member of the Merdeka Generation are thus interwoven with the rich tapestry of Singapore’s architecture.


《一同欣赏教堂建筑》是一本具有本地特色的人文知识类书籍,以浅白易懂、图文并茂的风格介绍本地和世界各地的教堂建筑特色,全书分卷一“认识教堂建筑风格”,卷二“走访国外教堂建筑”,卷三“感受教堂与信仰生活”。读者可通过书中的27 篇文章,以及特为引介篇《教会与教堂建筑概述》、附录《历史大事表》和《词汇表》,了解教堂建筑、教会和教徒的信仰生活。作者希望通过本书让读者们不“走宝”教堂建筑,并促进宗教和谐。


Appreciating Church Architecture

Appreciating Church Architecture, a new book by local architect and writer Francis Wong Hooe Wai (Hu Wei),takes us on a journey to understand church architecture, to explore fine examples of church buildings, and to see the close relationship between church architecture and Christian living.  With many beautiful photographs accompanying the text, this book is highly recommended for all who wish to appreciate the rich heritage of church architecture both in the setting of Singapore's multi-religious society, and in the world.


