我有什么系列(一套三本)  What I Have Series (3 books)

我有什么系列(一套三本) What I Have Series (3 books)

玲子传媒 Lingzi Media

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林文佩的“我有什么系列”(What I Have Series)包含三部精装绘本:

1)《我有一头牛》 I have a Cow

2)《我有一棵树》 I have a Tree

3)《我有一支笔》 I have a Pen

绘图·文 Illustration & Story by 林文佩 Lin Wenpei

英译 Translation by 戴禹靖 Tai Yu Jing / 钱詠延 Chin Weng Yuen

1)《我有一头牛》 I have a Cow


This is a story about a child and a cow. They have experienced joys and sorrows together slept together and watched the stars together. One day the cow disappeared. Where did it go? This is a story about companionship and can bring warmth to all the children in the world just like a big hug.  

2)《我有一棵树》 I have a Tree


This is a story about a child and a tree. The tree that never flowered eventually blossomed and bore fruit one day. Day by day the fruit grows bigger and bigger redder and redder. What’s next? This is a growth story that revolves around waiting patiently. A story that fills all children in the world with hope as they grow up.


3)《我有一支笔》 I have a Pen


This is the story of two children drawing together. The younger brother is bold while the elder brother is attentive. They both created many wonderful drawings. But why did the younger brother suddenly give up on drawing? This is a story about finding one’s confidence. Let’s hope all children in the world can understand each other and work together to achieve great results. 




This series of three-volume picture books by Lin Wenpei is highly recommended because Wenpei uses plain and childlike words to tell children stories of recovery from setbacks during their growth. Through a simple and minimalistic drawing style the series also demonstrate the combined power of pictures and words within children’s books that aids the development of children’s linguistic and aesthetic abilities. The “Sypnosis” and “Parents’ Guide” at the back of the book are well-written and provide helpful guidance for parents and teachers which are worthy of praise!

蔡志礼博士 资深文化艺术与语文教育学者Dr Chua Chee Lay experienced scholar in culture art and language education




在玲子传媒出版的作品包括:故事绘本《世界上最好吃的蛋糕》,双语童书绘本 - What I Have Series 我有什么系列《我有一头牛》 I Have a Cow《我有一棵树》I Have a Tree《我有一支笔》I Have a Pen,四格漫画《欢乐小学生》,新加坡华族传统食品系列《今天我们捞鱼生》《今天我们包粽子》《今天我们做月饼》《今天我们搓汤圆》《今天我们我们做鸡蛋卷》《今天我们包水饺》《今天我们蒸年糕》与《今天我们炸春卷》。新加坡快乐小厨师绘本系列《今天我们炒星洲米粉》《今天我们做三文治》《今天我们做印度煎饼》《今天我们做番茄炒蛋》。

其他已经出版的作品有:少女漫画《今生有缘》、学佛漫画《感恩》、连环漫画《玩转植物园》、四格漫画《淘气伙伴》《快乐伙伴》《梦见大灰熊》、六格漫画《我是乖乖小公主》《给公主一个赞》《公主遇见独角兽》《雪人遇见小公主》《飞吧,小公主》以及图画故事读本《爸爸说十二生肖》,儿童谜语学画丛书系列《猜一猜 - 画一画》共四本。华文学画丛书系列《学一学 - 画一画》共十本。英文学画丛书系列 English Draw with Me series Draw with Me—Heads & Faces, Draw with Me—Dogs, Draw with Me—Cats, Draw with Me—Birds 共四本。